Our FFS community has been surfing, biking, paddle-boarding, and has climbed walls, to name but a few activities. However, I would like to think that tag rugby is the essence of our community outside the walls of Ivy exchange, 34 Leeson and 47 Leeson. It was, in many ways, the pilot scheme for the now flourishing FFS community.
Our First Kit, Summer 2013
Only months after opening our doors in February 2013 our first FFS tag rugby team was formed, that team included many household names like David Sparks, Dave Buckley, Rob Cleere, Seana Glennon, Julie Galbraith, the list goes on….
FFS Tag Sandymount Beach, 2013
Spring Tag Tournament, London , 2015
As the game of tag rugby has grown nationwide so has the size of our squad, with in recent years FFS fielding two teams consistently every week. We compete in the spring and summer league (April to August) every Wednesday evening since 2013, winning some coveted trophies along the way.
Anyone who has played tag rugby before knows how social the game has become, this is more than evident at FFS. The highlight if of year is the one-day tournament in Limerick every July, the Pig & Porter. It is the event that is on everyone’s mind and brings out a number of FFS supporters and players alike.
Pig & Porter, Limerick, 2019
Tag rugby is a mixed-ability sport, catering for veteran rugby players, seasoned pros to complete novices; for some of our current squad, tag is now their number one sport. Through the years many lifelong friendships have been formed and many great nights have been had.
This year’s teams, agonisingly, lost out in the spring, however, with all newcomers in flying form recently both teams are on course to make their respective summer finals the second week of August.
As the curtain comes down on another season we are very much planning next year already. If you would like to know more, then drop me an email at mike@ffs.ie.
– Mike
Find out more
Want to get involved in the FFS Tag Rugby Team? Please contact Mike at mike@ffs.ie.
If you are a Member or PT Client in FFS Gym and would like to get added to the Community mailing list, check out our Community webpage to sign up.
Keep an Eye on our Community webpage and FFS Instagram account to see what other activities we have been up to!