Mike South
“Our constant drive to improve our training system as well as how we handle our clients performance is what drives me in my daily role”
1: Don’t fear or fret about Monday!
Just because Monday is day one in a person’s eyes, don’t enter Monday with a negative mindset, attack the day and treat Monday the same way you would treat your Friday.
2: Find joy in your job and be around positive people who empower you!
Separate yourself from those who bring negativity to your daily tasks or even your coffee break. Seek challenges and find that or those things in your job that make you happy.
If you like to be challenged and seek satisfaction from bettering yourself and/or nailing a challenge then look for those challenges in your job. The same way you come to the gym to challenge yourself and seek satisfaction from knowing you smashed a workout.
3: Use a day to rejuvenate and seek solace!
I use Sunday to recharge and plan ahead. When I feel on top of thing’s Sunday evening I never fear the week ahead, don’t go to bed with to do’s.
A good exercise here is a brain dump, write down everything on your mind before you go to bed and enjoy an uninterrupted sleep.
How do I rejuvenate my mind and body on a Sunday? I go for a brisk walk and get fresh air and coffee, simple. Go to yoga, meet friends, go to cinema, go for brunch, watch a movie whatever works for you.
4: Be that positive influence in your friends, family and work colleague’s life!
Be that person and the trait will be reciprocated. Don’t fake it, everyone has their struggles and be open to talk about your challenges with those you trust but where possible spread the love!
5: Manage your time effectively!
One thing that causes all of us stress is running and racing around the place, keep a diary and plan your week. Allocate time for family, cooking or gym around your work schedule. A person once told me “there is no such thing as free time only unstructured time”.