Bringing FFS Gyms Home with you this Christmas
So, the Holiday Season is almost upon us. For our FFS Members, the gym is closed for a number of days over the Christmas period (but still open on some! Check out our opening hours below), but that doesn’t mean your training has to stop.

All of our class programmes are thought out meticulously in advance by our coaches to make sure that you are progressing week-on-week by continuously getting that ‘progressive overload’ needed to trigger a training adaptation. This is just a fancy way of saying, that our class programmes are set up to allow you to lift that little bit heavier, get that extra rep, or lift with better form each week; over time, this steady, incremental progress results in your body changing to get faster, fitter, and stronger.
But just because you won’t be in our classes over Christmas, doesn’t mean that you can’t continue this progressive overload on your own. Coach Cathal and I have sat down and, with the overseeing eye of our Head of Performance, Mr. Ciaran Ruddock, created a nifty little 2-week Christmas Workout for you all to do by yourselves (psst. We also have this handy printable version for those of you who prefer the old-school way).

Ho-Ho-How does it work?

Firstly, this programme is designed to help you:
Increase your strength levelsIncrease your muscle mass, improve body composition, and improve conditioning Help you move better & reduce injury riskMost importantly – be enjoyable : )
All while away from the Home of Hard Work, FFS Gyms.
The programme is broken into four parts:
1 | Activate and Move warm-ups
2 | Primary Strength/Hypertrophy Supersets
3 | Optional Secondary Hypertrophy Circuits
4 | Optional Secondary Conditioning Work
1 | Activate and Move warm-ups
Activate – we are then going to activate the muscles that we will be using for that session.
Mobilise – we are going to move to raise our body temperature and mobilize the joints we will be using in the session
Potentiate – We are going to prepare our CNS with some impact exercises before we commence the session
Example – 2 rounds
W-Reps x15Reverse Lunge with OH reach x5 each sideJump Squats x5
2 | Primary Strength/Hypertrophy Supersets
The first part of your session will pair two exercises back to back to help you build strength and muscle by working all major muscle groups as well as fundamental movement patterns. Serious Bang for Buck!
The programme will consist of two supersets – Push & Hinge, Pull & Squat. There is a list of exercises to choose from, so pick the one that you’re most familiar with and know you can perform with good technique. Remember: FORM IS KING. Just because the FFS Coaches aren’t there to watch your technique doesn’t mean that you should get sloppy. This is how injuries happen.
And on the topic of injuries, if you have an injury and need to avoid or adjust one of the fundamental movement patterns, then please do! This programme is for you, it is not prescriptive, merely a handy tool to guide you through your own session over Christmas. Sub-in your rehab exercises or suitable alternative exercises that you know you can perform without causing you discomfort.
Go every 2.5 minutes and repeat for 4 rounds. Pick a different exercise each day you train for best results and variation. In week 2 try and increase the weight you used if possible.
Superset 1 – 4 rounds
Push up – x10Single-Leg RDL – x8 each side
Superset 2 – 4 rounds
Chin up x6-8Dumbbell Goblet Squat x12

3 | Optional Secondary Hypertrophy Circuits
If building muscle is your primary goal, then the optional hypertrophy component of the sessions is for you.
This will allow you to build muscle in all the major muscle groups in a time-efficient manner by the use of muscle-building giant sets!
Pick four exercises in total, two from each list – so two upper-body focused and two lower-body/core-focused and complete 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
Go for the exercises that you know you need to work on; if a coach has previously suggested improving your glute strength, then choose the DB Glute Bridge. Similarly, if you want to get bigger triceps to help assist you in your pushes (as well as filling out the t-shirts and having more defined arms) then go for the Tricep Pushdowns.
Example – 12-15 reps on each. 3 rounds
a) Dumbbell Curl
b) Dumbbell Lateral Raise
c) Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
d) Kettlebell Swings

4 | Optional Secondary Conditioning Work
If getting fitter or fat loss is your main goal, then you can do the optional conditioning component of the
We have two different approaches for you to choose from, depending on what equipment (if any) you have access to or depending on what mood you are in.
One is time-based while the other is target reps/rpm/cals etc.
1) Rower – 20:20 x5
2) Burpee – 20:20×5
3) Bike – 20:20×5

But I am stuck at home and there is no gym open or nearby, what do I do?
Don’t you worry my festive friend! We have you covered.
You may just have to be a little bit crafty and economical to get the best out of your home, bodyweight session. As you can see in the list of exercises for each component, there is a combination of weighted or bodyweight exercises. If your access to equipment is limited then choose the bodyweight options or ones that you can complete with a resistance band or miniband, if you have them at home.
For the strength supersets or assistance exercises that require dumbbells, you will need to be a bit inventive and try and find something at home that you can lift (safely! I am not talking about squatting the armchair here) to add a little bit of external resistance. Try doing a B-Stance RDL holding two plastic 2-litre bottles of water in your hands or do a few squats with your niece or nephew on your back (again, SAFETY FIRST!)
For some inspiration, here is the always creative Coach Craig doing some KB Swings with a gas-canister….don’t try this at home kids!

We hope you find this early Christmas-gift of the FFS Christmas programme useful why you are enjoying your time with family and friends.

From all of the team here at FFS Gyms we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Find Out More
FFS Gyms 2 Week Christmas Programme –
FFS Gyms 2 Week Christmas Programme –
About the Author

Coach Sinead is the success story of FFS Academy. She started training as a member in 2017 and was one of the proud graduates of the first FFS Academy launch. Sinead is now a certified Personal Trainer, Animal Flow® Instructor, and Modern Pregnancy & Postnatal Exercise & Wellness Trainer.
Sinead is particularly interested in the female athlete, from how the menstrual cycle impacts training to coaching women in strength and aerobic training during and after pregnancy. Sinead is heading up Small Group Personal Training for Pregnancy in the new FFS location across the road from the Rotunda, FFS Ivy Exchange Parnell Street – Dublin 1. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact and she will be in touch.
Email Sinead at
Find Sinead on Instagram at @sineadbrophy

Coach Cathal has been an integral part of FFS Gyms since he did his internship in May 2016. Cathal is a Personal Trainer, TPI certified strength and conditioning coach who heads FFS’s golf-specific training programs, and he programmes the renowned Metabolic Conditioning Classes, getting our members fitter and faster.
A lover of exercise and a wide variety of sports, Cathal believes that “everyone should enjoy the challenge and process of getting fitter and healthier” and is passionate about helping people from all walks of life to achieve their individual goals.
Email Cathal at